We spent about an hour with each candidate (not at the same time - could have gotten a bit awkward); told them a bit about our industry; and presented a few new things that we have been working on ... particularly in the fields of platform-agnostic mobile applications for business, and Search Engine Optimisation / Social Media.
Kate and Campbell in turn both initially gave us the boilerplate schpiel about how we're an extremely important part of the economy etc, but then both seemed to realise that we're more relaxed environment than that and things went a little more smoothly (read: informally) thereafter.
They both answered some pretty hard-ball question flung at them from our own team of professionals, and posed some equally insightful questions themselves.
For what it's worth - and regardless of your political affiliations - both Kate and Campbell are extremely personable, highly intelligent, and had some great points to make on how they plan on making our state and local electorate better places (Kate was more locally-focused, while Campbell focused on state-issued). We appreciate their time and hope they both come back to visit us before and after the next election.
Special thanks to our great friends Paul Holstein (Brandrally), and Steve Jewell (Australian Moneymarket) for taking part as well.
It was great to - once again - have the opportunity to expand the reach of our humble Peer Presentations to include others.